Sensitivity. On eating, some people suffer sharp bouts of pain especially when they take cold food or drinks into their mouths. This condition, known as cervical dentine sensitivity, is a result of exposure of the root surface at the gum margin, often caused by gum disease or by over-vigorous toothbrushing with a hard toothbrush (getting “long in the tooth”). This condition is becoming more common since more and more people are retaining their natural teeth into middle and old age. The condition can be quite distressing.


Precautions outlined above to prevent gum disease and also abrasion will also help reduce the incidence of cervical dentine sensitivity. In severe cases the advice of a dentist should be sought who may decide to place a protective filling over the sensitive site. It is also worth noting that sensitivity can also be due to other reasons such as a loose or cracked filling, another reason for seeking the advice of a dentist.

Alternatively there are different preventive methods such as high concentration fluoride varnishes which can alleviate the sensitivity. The oral health care industry has responded to the increased prevalence of cervical dentine sensitivity and a number of “sensitivity” toothpastes are currently on the market. There is growing clinical evidence that these toothpastes can help alleviate the pain from cervical dentine sensitivity.



Tooth trauma. If a tooth is knocked out (avulsed), make sure it is a permanent tooth (primary teeth should not be replanted).

  • Keep the patient calm
  • Find the tooth and pick it up by the crown (the white part). Avoid touching the root
  • If the tooth is dirty, wash it briefly (10 seconds) under cold running water and reposition it. Try to encourage the patient / parent to replant the tooth. Bite on a handkerchief to hold it in position
  • If this is not possible, place the tooth in a suitable storage medium, e.g. a glass of milk or a special storage media for teeth if available. The tooth can also be transported in the mouth, keeping it between the molars and the inside of the cheek. Avoid storage in water
  • Seek emergency dental treatment immediately.

In the case of a primary (baby) tooth that is knocked out completely:

  • Parents/carers should make no attempt to replant a primary (baby) tooth that is knocked out as they could damage the permanent (adult) tooth that is developing under the gum – the child should be brought to a dentist to be checked.

For all other types of fracture or trauma to the teeth seek immediate dental treatment. Apply a cold compress to the area in the meantime to reduce swelling as this can further damage the teeth.

[/learn_more][learn_more caption=”Sports Mouth Guards”]

A mouthguard is a specially made, rubber-like cover which fits exactly over your teeth and gums, cushioning them and protecting them from damage. It is important to wear a professionally made mouthguard whenever you play sport that involves physical contact or moving objects. This includes: Rugby, Gaelic Football, Hurling, Boxing, Kickboxing, Martial arts, Hockey, American Football and Cricket.
Mouthguards are made by taking an accurate impression of your mouth and making the mouthguard fit your own teeth.
The dentist will register the way your jaws bite together to make sure the mouthguard meets properly with your teeth. There are cheaper kits available. They involve heating the product in hot water and then putting it in your mouth until it sets. Unfortunately, these mouthguards can fit badly and be uncomfortable to wear. They can fall out or even cause choking. Also the material is at its thinnest where it is needed most.
There are many types of mouthguard including striped, multi-coloured and clear. Many people now have coloured mouthguards made in their favourite team’s colours or to match their own sports strip.